Like Ulysses, an artist is doomed to wander restlessly between the land and the vastness of the sea, afraid to be abandoned and crushed by solitude and God’s silence. But that is the only condition that allows us to stare deep into the reflection of the paternal eye through love and human fear.

The Calm After the Storm
The odyssey of an artist is fascinating and intimately disquieting.
Nothing is more recklessly insane and painful than facing the sea of the Unknown, and no human story is more overwhelming than that of those who try to catch God in a frame, to capture His outline, His will, a glimmer of His essence.
For a lost soul, indulging in such yearning may cause unspeakable bewilderment and immense loneliness. And yet resisting one’s obsession would lead to absolute ruin.
It is only on the way back, homesick and nostalgic, that one can finally find some calm, galvanised by true, endless love.